School Lunch Menu
Since April 2015, the school’s catering provider has been Food for Thought.
They source fresh, organic produce from our local partners to reduce carbon footprints. Locally sourced from Liverpool and Ormskirk, they work very closely with all suppliers to ensure organic, free-range and sustainable food stocks wherever possible.
Information from the website…
Our service to schools
Food for Thought works hard to consistently raise the standards of quality and presentation in all kitchens. Unlike any other school meals’ company, FFT Ltd does not impose any rigid levels of portion control – pupils are allowed to choose the quantity of food they feel they need. In this way, we focus our meals’ service on the needs of pupils themselves.
Food for Thought Merseyside Ltd. is a unique ‘not for profit’ school meals company that is owned and managed by all its partner schools. Any financial surplus created is returned to all our schools or reinvested in the company.